What is a breast pump flange/shield, and why is getting the correct size important?
A breast pump flange is the plastic piece that fits around your areola, over your nipple to form a seal to create the vacuum needed for milk extraction. The flange is also known as a breast shield. Incorrect sized flanges can impact milk production, cause pain, and nipple damage with milk expression. A shield too small or too large can impact the amount of milk you can pump and cause concerns for your milk supply. You might find one breast or nipple a different size than the other. You may need two different sizes, one for each breast. One size doesn’t fit all, and we are all unique.
How do you choose the correct size flange/breast shield for your nipple?
Use a ruler or measuring tape and measure the distance straight across the middle of your nipple at the base (the diameter) don’t include the areola. I cm =10 mm
Many parents find adding 1-2 mm to the nipple diameter measurement to be the most comfortable fit for flange sizing.
For example if the nipple measurement is 15 mm a 16mm or 17 mm may be most comfortable.
Choose the optimal size based on your nipple measurement.
Manufacture guidlines vary for flange sizing and availble flange sizes vary as well based on the manufacuture. Please check with the manufacturer of your breast pump for available flange sizes and measurements. We have many flange sizes and inserts availble for best fit. If you have questions about this, please contact our Lactation Consultant or sign up for our Breast-chest feeding and pumping class for detailed information on flange sizing. Keep in mind your nipple can change in size during pregnancy, with pumping and or breastfeeding and you may need to measure again.
The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice or lactation care. The information is not provided in place of the manufacturing guidelines. Please contact your Lactation Consultant or Primary Care Provider for any breastfeeding and pumping, flange size concerns.
Select the size
Once you have selected your Breast pump, check with the pump manufacturer to see what breast shield/flange size is included. If your size isn’t included with your pump, be sure to order a flange-shield that is the right fit for you.
How to try out your shield/flange size and decide what vacuum level (suction) is best for you?
Once you have selected your Breast pump, check with the pump manufacturer to see what breast shield/flange size is included. If your size isn’t included with your pump, be sure to order a flange-shield that is the right fit for you.
Center your nipple and hold your breast shield/flange against your breast. Avoid pressing too hard.
Turn on the breast pump and adjust the vacuum level (suction). Turn the suction up until you feel a strong pull or slight discomfort, and then turn down a notch or a few for optimal comfort. Turning up the suction too high can cause pain and sore nipples.
If your shield/flange fits correctly, your nipple will be centered in the flange tunnel and will move freely without rubbing against the flange.
The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice or care. Please contact your Lactation Consultant or Primary Care Provider for breastfeeding and pumping concerns.
The page of resources was put together by Jodie Dresel, Registered Nurse and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
Breastfeeding & Pumping
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